Thihis guide contains resources and information which you can use for your assignments or research.
Click on the discipline tabs to find the recommended resources.
Explore the PLAN YOUR SEARCH Libguides to gain valuable skills in breaking down your topic; developing keywords and search strategies; and evaluating what you have found.
Use the recommended library resources within each discipline tab to help you find the academic/scholarly/peer-reviewed sources you need.
Follow the APA 7 referencing guide to acknowledge all sources of information, ideas, graphics, and images that are not your own.
Contact the library for assistance via email or Book an Appointment.
Type your question into Google
Wait till the last minute to do your assignment
Forget to acknowledge all your sources of information
Sage Business Cases is our robust digital collection of business cases tailored to library needs - providing faculty, students, and researchers with unlimited access to more than 6,150 authoritative cases from over 120 countries. Sage curates interdisciplinary cases on in-demand subjects such as entrepreneurship, accounting, healthcare management, leadership, social enterprise, and more.
ProQuest One Business combines multiple ProQuest business information databases to a total of more than 130 million documents.
Comprehensive coverage of commerce, economics, international relations, finance, management, taxation and training.
ProQuest Ebook Central offers over 22,000 e-book titles covering a wide range of business topics including business management, economics and finance.
A general management magazine which cover a wide range of topics and focus on areas including leadership, organizational change, negotiation, strategy, operations, marketing, finance, and managing people.
The academic and research journal of the Project Management Institute® and features state-of-the-art research, techniques, theories, and applications in project management.
DOAJ is an extensive index of diverse open access journals from around the world,.