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New databases

Great News! You now have access to  

•  Sage Business Cases and  

•  Sage Research Methods 

 ECA Library is happy to announce that it now subscribes to SAGE Business Cases and SAGE Research Methods giving you access to these great databases.  

Sage Business Cases provides access to thousands of real-world case studies to prepare you for success in the classroom, and beyond. Get started today and discover the benefits of using cases 

Sage Research Methods is a platform designed to support the learning of research methodology at all levels, step by step. 

 Contact the library anytime for assistance at library@eca.edu.au 

Warm regards 

The Library Team 

John, Sue & Yasmin 

profile-icon Sue Taylor

Parramatta campus started the year with a well received event held in the Library, hosted by our lecturers Anu and Margaret on the responsible use of AI to support assessments. The session covered a variety of tools and tactics on using AI to its full advantageand attendees recieved personalised assistance to expand their knowledge.



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profile-icon Sue Taylor

Unsure about the best database to use? 

 The Library team has created a Databases GuideLinks to an external site. page on our new Library & Learning Support WebsiteLinks to an external site. to guide you gently through our various subscriptions. 

 The page is easy to navigate, with handy how-to guides and videos on how to best search our main databases including: Worldcat Discovery (library catalogue), the ProQuest databases and Informit. There is even a short video to watch which explains all your best options in a nutshell.  

 Contact the library anytime for assistance at library@eca.edu.auLinks to an external site. 

Warm regards 

The Library Team

Sue, John, Yasmin

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profile-icon Sue Taylor
No Subjects

Not sure where to find what you need to help you search the library databases or write your assignment?  We are very excited to announce that the new Library and Learning Support website has arrived to rescue you. Visit the page to book appointments and get one on one with support with finding research and writing assessments. Explore over 40 databases and the variety of topics available from Subject Guides, Academic Writing, all you need to know about Assessments, Getting Organised, Referencing or How to find Journal Articles and much, much more at eca.libguide.com Click here for a tour of the website: Website Tour

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profile-icon Sue Taylor

ECA Library & Learning Support Website is live and ready for you to explore. Go to https://eca.libguides.com to get started

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profile-icon Sue Taylor
No Subjects

A hearty welcome to all

coffee, cup, hot, relax, tea, drinks

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