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Library Resources

This page will help you find resources on the topic of Marketing & Sales Management

We recommend starting with this curated collection on our A-Z Databases page.

Find the most recent (last five years) Marketing & Sales Management resources in the library in the following formats. You can use these basic searches as a start and refine them more to suit your topic.

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Selected Library and Open Access Resources

Australian Government. Business Marketing

Australian Government. Marketing

Australian Marketing Institute (AMI)

Forbes. Sales management: Definition, Process & Best Practice

Marketing Academy Australia

Salesforce. What is sales management?


Open Textbook Library - Marketing textbooks

MDPI Open Access Book plantform

Marketing Textbooks
  • Lumen Learning. - Lumen Learning provides a Marketing text that covers various chapters such as Consumer Marketing and Social Responsibility and Ethics in Marketing. 

  • OER Commons. - OER Commons provides a curated collection of textbooks and resources for Marketing studies. 

  • Open Textbook Library - Marketing. - The Open Textbook Library provides a growing catalog of free, peer-reviewed, and openly-licensed textbooks. 

Marketing Associations

