This page will help you find resources on the topic of Marketing & Sales Management
We recommend starting with this curated collection on our A-Z Databases page.
Find the most recent (last five years) Marketing & Sales Management resources in the library in the following formats. You can use these basic searches as a start and refine them more to suit your topic.
Australian Government. Business Marketing
Australian Government. Marketing
Australian Marketing Institute (AMI)
Forbes. Sales management: Definition, Process & Best Practice
Salesforce. What is sales management?
Open Textbook Library - Marketing textbooks
MDPI Open Access Book plantform
Lumen Learning. - Lumen Learning provides a Marketing text that covers various chapters such as Consumer Marketing and Social Responsibility and Ethics in Marketing.
OER Commons. - OER Commons provides a curated collection of textbooks and resources for Marketing studies.
Open Textbook Library - Marketing. - The Open Textbook Library provides a growing catalog of free, peer-reviewed, and openly-licensed textbooks.
The leading professional marketing association in Australia.
The Australian Market & Social Research Society Limited (AMSRS) is a not-for-profit professional membership body dedicated to increasing the standard and understanding of market and social research in Australia.
The mission of the Association for Consumer Research is to advance consumer research and facilitate the exchange of scholarly information among members of academia, industry, and government worldwide.
The pre-eminent force in marketing for best and next practices, thought leadership and valued relationships, across the industry.
The Market Research Society (MRS) is the world's leading research association. For all those who need, use, generate or interpret the evidence essential to making good decisions for commercial and public policy.
The ACCC promotes competition and fair trade in markets to benefit consumers, businesses, and the community.
We study consumers in more than 100 countries to give you the most complete view of trends and habits worldwide.