This page will help you find resources on the topic of Management & Human Resources.
We recommend starting with this curated collection on our A-Z Databases page.
Find the most recent (last five years) Management & Human Resources resources in the library in the following formats. You can use these basic searches as a start and refine them more to suit your topic.
Open Textbook Library - Human Resource Textbooks
MIT Management Sloan School - Teaching Resource Libary
IntechOpen - Business, Management & Economics
Journal of Business Cases and Applications - This is an open access journal that features applied business cases and classroom exercises for business instructors.
LearningEdge Case Studies. - LearningEdge is a collection of teaching case studies and simulations developed by MIT Sloan faculty and students.
Oikos Free Case Collection. - Oikos provides peer-reviewed, Creative Commons licensed case studies on sustainability, management, entrepreneurship, and finance.
Open Textbook Library - Managemen. - The Open Textbook Library provides a growing catalogue of free, peer-reviewed, and openly-licensed textbooks.
Saylor Academy Open Textbooks - Repository of textbooks used for Saylor Academy's courses, which are freely available and open for downloading and sharing for the public
A nationally recognised business association, with a diverse range of members residing across Australia, as well as overseas.
The preeminent professional association for management and organization scholars.
A world leader in professional development, advancing the skills of individuals to drive business success.
The Australian Government Department of Employment is responsible for national policies and programmes that help Australians find and keep employment and work in safe, fair and productive workplaces.