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CoreEcon: economics for a changing world - Platform for people who want to understand the economics of innovation, inequality and environmental sustainability. . CC BY-NC-ND (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives) license.
Introduction to game theory: a discovery approach - Textbook explores the ideas of game theory through the context of popular culture.. CC BY-SA (Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike) license.
Introductory business statistics- OpenStax textbook designed to meet the requirements of a statistics course for business, economics and related majors. . CC BY (Creative Commons Attribution) license.
Priniciples of political economy: a pluralistic approach to economic theory, 3rd edition. - Textbook which covers both the neoclassical approach to economics and introduces a range of alternative theories and approaches. CC BY-NC-SA (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike) license.
IntechOpen - Business, Management and Economics. - Peer-reviewed open access books on a wide range of business topics.
OpenStax: economics textbooks - Collection of three economics textbooks from OpenStax: Principles of economics; Principles of Macroeconomics; and Principles of Microeconomics. . CC BY (Creative Commons Attribution) license.
GALILEO Open Learning Materials brings together open educational resources throughout the University System of Georgia, including open textbooks and ancillary materials.
Australian IP Law - Textbook designed to make IP law more accessible for university students. . CC BY-SA (Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike) license.
Australian politics and policy - Broad introduction to Australian politics and public policy which covers diverse topics and perspectives, demonstrating that the politics and policy is not fixed but rather a contested field of study. CC BY-NC-SA (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike) license.
Global corruption: law, theory & practice- Textbook created for use in law courses on corruption. . CC NC-SA (Creative Commons NonCommercial-ShareAlike) license.
Governing the internet: a collaborative, open course and textbookLinks to an external site. - Textbook about how societies can and should regulate the internet. CC BY-SA (Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike) license.
Introduction to criminal investigation: processes, practices and thinking Textbook designed to assist students to develop their own structured mental map of the processes, practices, and thinking to conduct criminal investigations. CC BY-NC (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial) license.
Legal literacy: an introduction to legal studies - Textbook provides a foundational understanding of key concepts such as legal personhood, jurisdiction, and precedent, and introduces legal research and writing skills. CC BY-NC-ND (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives) license.
Government departments and agencies publish reports and statistics on a range of topics. On the relevant department or agency website, look for a publications or reports section.
To find Australian Government departments and agencies, search by keyword (such as energy, environment, education, health etc.)
The Treasury is engaged in a range of issues from macroeconomic policy settings to microeconomic reform, climate change to social policy, as well as tax policy and international agreements and forums.
Finance supports the government’s ongoing priorities through the Budget process and fosters leading practice through the public sector resource management, governance and accountability frameworks. It produces a number of financial reports on the Commonwealth
DFAT produces data and reports about Australia's trade and investments.
Austrade contributes to Australia’s economic prosperity by helping Australian businesses, education institutions, tourism operators, governments and citizens.
The ACCC promotes competition and fair trade in markets to benefit consumers, businesses, and the community. ACCC also regulates national infrastructure services.
BITRE provides economic analysis, research and statistics on infrastructure, transport and regional development issues to inform both Australian Government policy development and wider community understanding. Topics covered include aviation, infrastructure, rail, road, cities and freight.
The Foreign Investment Review Board (the Board) is a non-statutory body that advises the Treasurer and the Government on Australia’s Foreign Investment Policy and its administration.
Provides freely available data, reports and other publications.
The Productivity Commission is the Australian Government's independent research and advisory body on a range of economic, social and environmental issues affecting the welfare of Australians.
The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) is Australia's central bank and derives its functions and powers from the Reserve Bank Act 1959. The RBA sets the cash rate to meet an agreed medium-term inflation target, works to maintain a strong financial system and efficient payments system, and issues the nation's banknotes.
The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) is a regional economic forum established in 1989 to leverage the growing interdependence of the Asia-Pacific.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an organization of 189 countries, working to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty around the world.
The World Economic Forum engages the foremost political, business and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.
The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only global international organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations.
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is an international organisation that works to build better policies for better lives.
Provides information on the history, people, government, economy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues for 267 world entities.
Online versions of legislation are freely accessible via the official Government websites. These are where you will find the authorised and most up-to-date versions of the legislation
Queensland | Queensland Legislation |
Commonwealth | Federal Register of Legislation (formerly ComLaw) |
Australian Capital Territory | ACT Legislation Register |
New South Wales | NSW Legislation |
Northern Territory | Current Northern Territory Legislation Database |
South Australia | South Australian Legislation |
Tasmania | Tasmanian Legislation |
Victoria | Victorian Legislation and Parliamentary Documents |
Western Australia | Western Australian Legislation |
The following databases are recommended when searching for legislation on a topic or when tracking the history of a piece of legislation: