Sage Business Cases is our robust digital collection of business cases tailored to library needs - providing faculty, students, and researchers with unlimited access to more than 6,150 authoritative cases from over 120 countries. Sage curates interdisciplinary cases on in-demand subjects such as entrepreneurship, accounting, healthcare management, leadership, social enterprise, and more.
Go to the SAGE Business Cases main page to get started or watch the 3 min or 11 min videos under Video Guides for more information
Looking for an exact title or phrase
Enter your phrase in quotations marks to ensure you get an exact match: "aged care" will find articles and other resources containing that exact phrase.
Combining two or more terms or phrases
Use Boolean operators AND, OR, NOT to combine searches within a search box.
AND will find results containing both terms, for example education AND mathematics
OR will find results containing either term, for example education or learning. OR is useful for broadening your search.
NOT can be used to exclude certain terms, for example Java NOT Javascript.
Group terms together using brackets, for example (Angular OR Regular) AND Framework
Using wildcards
question mark (?) can represent one character: ta?k finds talk, task, tank ...
asterix (*) wildcard can represent zero or more characters: educat* finds content containing educate, educated, education ...
Download the SAGE PDF guides below:
Creating your profile gives you the ability to organise resources by saving them to lists, and save searches to return to in the future. There are also some collection-specific benefits to creating a profile:
You can save custom video clips if you’re using
Make sure you access your SAGE Knowledge collection from your institution’s library website. You’ll usually find it via the A-Z listing of databases, or sometimes using the main search bar. You’ll usually need to enter your university credentials to log on to the database.
We recommend contacting your library at this stage if you need help
finding your institution’s listing for the database you’re looking for.
At the top-right of the platform, check that you can see either your institution’s name or logo: this confirms that you’re correctly authenticated onto the database (which means you can access all the right content).
To the left of your institution’s name or logo, click the My Profile button. Click the Create my profile button in the middle of the pop-up window:
Complete the required fields in the form, and then click the purple Save button at the bottom of the page. You’ll know you’re logged in when you see your name at the top-right of the screen. Simply click on your name to access your lists and saved searches!
Common questions and issues
Don’t worry if you run into problems when creating your profile on SAGE Knowledge! Here are solutions to the most common issues.
You need to be correctly authenticated through your institution in order for the Create Profile button to display. Close the tab and go to your library catalogue, to find and access your chosen database that way. You should see your institution’s name or logo at the top-right of the SAGE Knowledge screen.
Contact your library if you can’t find your chosen database listed in the catalogue.
I get an error message saying ‘Invalid email address entered’.
This suggests you already have a profile registered with the email address you used. Profiles are shared with our SAGE Research Methods site, so you may have a profile there. We recommend clicking the My Profile button at the top-right of the screen, and selecting the Forgotten your password? link in the pop-up window. You can enter your email address to reset your password.
Alternatively, you can create a new profile with a different email address, by following the steps listed on the previous page.
It hasn’t worked but I don’t see an error message.
Sometimes it’s not that obvious that your profile has been created! Look at the
top-right of the screen: if you see a link showing your name, then it has worked: your profile is ready and you’re logged in! Click on your name, and then View my profile, to access your lists and searches, any time you’re on the platform.
Our Trainers have put together their top tips for using the SAGE Business Cases platform, where you have access to thousands of cases that will help you move beyond theory and understand how businesses operate in the real world. If you want to learn more about this database, explore more of our training resources, and speak to your library staff who will be happy to help you!
Create a free profile to add cases to lists and save searches
By creating a free profile, you will be able to save searches and add cases to lists to refer to later. You can create an account anytime by going to
You can access My Lists and My Searches via the My Profile section at the top-right of the platform.
Browse by Discipline to start exploring our case collection
From the SAGE Business Cases homepage (, select the Discipline tile for your chosen field of study: this will open up a list of sub-topics within your specialism, so you can browse through even more specific cases to make sure you find what is right for you. For example, browsing Leadership will present you with options such as Leadership theories, Leadership development and Leadership and ethics. Browsing is a fantastic way of starting your discovery of what is on offer in this database.
Check which cases you can access
You may not be able to access every single business case in our collection, depending on your institution’s subscription level. Unavailable cases will be indicated by a purple padlock icon: If in doubt or if you have any questions, ask at the library: they will be able to clarify what level of subscription your institution has.
Look out for discussion questions and extra resources to push your own learning
A lot of the cases in SAGE Business Cases end with a series of discussion questions; these questions are written by the case author – a professor – and are designed to encourage reflection and critical thinking. By studying these questions, and considering and noting down your thoughts, you will engage more deeply with the content of the case, and develop your skills in critically evaluating information. Likewise, some of our cases include extra resources, for example organisation charts, sales figures, market research reports or interactive data or video embeds; these resources add context to the case narrative and should be studied alongside the case to help you make fully-formed and well-considered arguments.
Explore content recommendations to deepen your learning
Once you have finished reading a case on the SAGE Knowledge platform, other cases on similar topics will appear at the bottom of the page, under a banner entitled Read next in SAGE Business Cases. Reading related cases is a good way of building your knowledge, by studying common challenges from different perspectives or exploring how different organisations tackled a problem.