This page will help you find resources on the topic of Research Methods.
We recommend starting with this curated collection on our A-Z Databases page.
Find the most recent (last five years) Research Methods resources in the library in the following formats. You can use these basic searches as a start and refine them more to suit your topic.
Also look at The Study Skills Handbook, specifically pages 349 -372. There is some useful information for you that is pretty user friendly focussing on ‘how to write’.
Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE)
Another dedicated academic search engine, BASE offers access to more than 140 million documents from more than 6,000 sources. Around 60% of these documents are open access, and you can filter results to see only research that is available for free online.
CORE CORE is an open research aggregator. This means it works as a search engine for open access research published by organisations from around the world, all of which is available for free.
Semantic Scholar
Semantic Scholar is an ‘intelligent’ academic search engine. It uses machine learning to prioritise the most important research, which can make it easier to find relevant literature. Or, in Semantic Scholar’s own words, it uses influential citations, images and key phrases to ‘cut through the clutter’.
WorldWideScience is a global academic search engine, providing access to national and international scientific databases from across the globe. One interesting feature is that it offers automatic translation, so users can have search results translated into their preferred language.