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Research Methods

Research 101

Research Methods and Research Methodology are two terms that are often confused as one and the same when strictly speaking they are not as they have many differences between them. One of the primary differences between them is that research methodology explains the methods by which you may proceed with your research. On the other hand, research methods are the methods by which the research is conducted into a specific subject or a topic.

Research Methods vs Research Methodology

Connection to Research:

• Research methodology is rooted in the existence of the methods.

Research methods are in the primary line of conducting the research.


• Research methodology explains what and how appropriate certain means and methods will be to a certain subject.

• Research methods consist of the techniques that allow studies and experiments to be successfully initiated, performed and concluded.

Stages of Research Involved:

• Research methodologies are employed at the beginning of the paper/experiment to explain the purpose of the chosen methods and how they will serve its function.

• Research methods are more useful during the latter part of a research or an experiment since they are being utilized for conclusions to be appropriately made.

In conclusion, one can say while research methodology is a multidimensional subject, research methods constitute a part of the broad term of research methodology.


Why is a research methodology important?

A research methodology gives research legitimacy and provides scientifically sound findings. It also provides a detailed plan that helps to keep researchers on track, making the process smooth, effective and manageable. A researcher's methodology allows the reader to understand the approach and methods used to reach conclusions.Having a sound research methodology in place provides the following benefits:

  • Other researchers who want to replicate the research have enough information to do so.
  • Researchers who receive criticism can refer to the methodology and explain their approach.
  • It can help provide researchers with a specific plan to follow throughout their research.
  • The methodology design process helps researchers select the correct methods for the objectives.
  • It allows researchers to document what they intend to achieve with the research from the outset.

When you are researching and evaluating the sources that you encounter, there are two important things to consider. First, you want to make sure that the source that you are using is relevant to your information needs. Second, you want to make sure the source is reliable.

  • Relevant: does this source address your research topic? Does this source help you answer your research question?
  • Reliable: How do you know that you can trust the information found in the source?

The research cycle involves several stages, including analyzing the problem, determining research methods, collecting data, analyzing and evaluating the data, reporting and documenting the findings, and repeating the process.

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