One author Note: Use the abbreviation “edn” for edition. , (Kerzner 2017) Kerzner (2017) argues….. ,
Kerzner, H 2017, Project management: A systems approach to planning, scheduling and controlling, 12th edn, John Wiley & Sons, Queensland.
Two or three authors , (Gido & Clements 2015) Gido and Clements (2015) state that….. ,
Gido, J & Clements, JP 2015, Successful project management, 4th edn, Cengage Learning, Ohio.
More than three authors Note: For in-text references, write the first author’s surname followed by ‘et al.’. List all authors’ names in the reference list., A recent report (Smith et al. 2017) concluded that….. Smith et al. (2017) showed that….. ,
Smith, KL, Throne, H, Smith, D & Hilton, R 2015, Management accounting: Information for creating and managing value, 8th edn, McGraw-Hill Education, New South Wales.
No author
Note: Capitalise all major words when giving source title in the text., (Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary 2004)
The Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary (2004) defines…..,
Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary 2004, 11th edn, Merriam Webster, Massachusetts.
Edited book
Note: Use the abbreviation ‘ed.’ for a single editor and ‘eds.’ for more than one editor., According to McGrew and Poku (eds. 2017)..…,
McGrew, A & Poku, NK (eds.) 2017, Globalization, development and human security, Polity, Cambridge.
Chapter or article in an edited book, Adam (2014) states that…, Adam, MG 2014, ‘Outsource inspiration’, in JE Dutton & GM Spreitzer (eds.), How to be a positive leader: Small action, big impact, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, San Francisco, pp. 31-36.
Several works by the same author in same year
Note: Arrange alphabetically by title. Place lower case letter (“a”, “b”, etc.) immediately after the year., Leadership and change in business and education have been major topics of discussion for several years (Fullan 2016a, 2016b).,
Fullan, M 2016a, Freedom to change: Four strategies to put your inner drive into overdrive, John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey.
Fullan, M 2016b, The new meaning of educational change, 5th edn, Routledge, London.
E-Book , Gilles and Anthony (2018) argue that change is crucial….., Gilles, A & Anthony, A 2018, The transitional approach to change, Routledge Press, viewed 25 Sep 2018, E-book Central (ProQuest).
Note: This also includes flyers, information sheets, pamphlets, etc. If there is no author, use the title of the pamphlet or the organisation/ publisher as the author. In this example, the author is also the publisher., The security of personal information is addressed in the TransACT brochure (TransACT, n.d.), TransACT n.d., Guide to equipment and service, brochure, TransACT, Canberra.
Corporate author
Note: Spell out the full name of the corporate body each time it is cited in-text, unless it is long and has a familiar/easily understood abbreviation. In the latter case, give the full-name with the abbreviation for the first in-text reference., The Project Management Institute [PMI] (2017) indicates that…, Project Management Institute 2017, A guide to the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK guide), 6th edn, Project Management Institute, Newtown Square, USA.