APIC disciplines use the Harvard Referencing style (also known as the Author-Date style). Harvard is comprised two elements: in-text citations and a reference list.
1. In-text citation/reference
- is located in the text (body)
- provides brief information
- may appear more than once (depending on how many times you use the source)
E.g.: There are various ethical implications in business decision-making process (Ferrell, Fraedrich & Ferrell 2017).
Ferrell, Fraedrich & Ferrell (2017) discussed the implications of ethical decision-making.
2. Reference list
- is located at the end of the paper
- provides the complete information
- appears only once at the end
E.g.: Ferrell, OC, Fraedrich, J, & Ferrell, L 2017, Business ethics: Ethical decision making & cases, 11th edn, Cengage Learning, Australia.
Visit the tabs on the left to learn more about Harvard referencing, or download the ECA Student Guide to Harvard Referencing below.